Welcome to Mutuality, the result of years of study about the role of men and women in the Bible. My desire is that you will want to investigate these concepts for yourself, and my hope is that you’ll understand why I’ve changed my mind about the way we’ve traditionally understood biblical patriarchy.

I want to demonstrate how the scriptures reveal:

  • God’s ideal from the beginning was for men and women to be equal in value and function—to be true partners.
  • Clear lessons and examples from Jesus about mutuality.
  • How we have misinterpreted and misunderstood the scriptures.
  • Why the roles of women and men in the church, and in the home, should be entirely gift based not gender based.
  • That we can greatly impact the world when we grasp that we are created in God’s image without hierarchy.

Recent Posts

November 9, 2019Video

Mutuality is Biblical

A short summary of the biblical reasons I changed my mind about women and men’s roles in the church and in the home. Please don’t allow ANYONE to do your thinking for you. This topic is extremely important and worth restudying....

By Lisa Johnson0
May 21, 2019Video

Paul and Women: Co-Workers

Paul and Women: Co-Workers In this two part lesson we’re explaining why we believe that leadership roles should be gift based and not gender based. This is a workshop Steve and I taught on Paul and the women who did ministry [...]...

By Lisa Johnson0
April 9, 2019Video

Mandated Mutuality: Part 3

YIELD TO GOD AND TO ONE ANOTHER! It’s all about God!Steve sums it up! The Bible teaches us that submission is the “Jesus way of relating” to all people, especially all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Steve says we [...]...

By Lisa Johnson0
April 9, 2019Video

Mandated Mutuality: Part 2

SINGLENESS: WE MUST STOP MARGINALIZING OUR SINGLES!We have too often bought into the world’s way of thinking, that marriage is the goal and singleness is a form of failure or incompleteness! This is a worldly way of looking at things....

By Lisa Johnson0
March 24, 2019Articles

Video Quality . . . I Hear You

I’m so grateful for all your encouragement and patience. Several of you have asked about the quality of the videos (in a very kind way). I hear you. There’s a story behind the videos that shows nothing short of God himself [...]...

By Lisa Johnson2
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