Submission is the Christian way of relating. And mutual submission is vital to our relationships.
I always thought these household codes were God’s unique plan for organizing families as Christians. That’s not true. Household codes were a commonly used concept to advise men that were legally in charge (patriarch’s) how to rule their wives, children and slaves. Paul used a form of this method to draw attention to how radically different Jesus‘ way was from the world’s way.
I believe Paul is teaching all the people in the Ephesian church how to submit in their interpersonal relationships and not reinforcing social structures of the times.
Steve and I have taught this material several times together and separately over the past few years and yet this class of mine is the only recording that’s available for me to post. I tell you this because I love the classes we do together especially on this topic. So at some point I hope I’m able to share one of those as well. We are still planning to re-record these.
I’m so grateful for your prayers.
Hello, since the audio isn’t consistently clear and best, could you write an article with your thoughts, convictions, scriptures etc. Thank you for serving and doing so with a beautiful smile and gleaming eyes.
Love, Helen
I second the request for article format please