Mutuality is a Bible-based conviction that further transforms the church into the image of Christ. After years of serving in the ministry, my ambition is to foster a discussion that will tear down barriers that divide us; barriers that already serve as unnecessary obstacles to thousands if not millions of people who need to know Jesus. This is vitally important, not just for women or for singles or marrieds, but for every disciple passionate about bringing the love of Jesus to the world. Partnership without hierarchy creates strength. The incredible potential of a community of believers, unconstrained by scriptural misunderstandings, has unlimited power.
This website is a place where I’ll share a different perspective from the long-held patriarchal view our fellowship has taught. I’ll also explain what happened that made this subject something I couldn’t ignore. I’ll tell you why I changed my mind from what I’ve taught for decades (sharing with you the painful and often times scary process that got me here) and clearly explain why I believe what I now believe. Here I’ll share the lessons that Steve and I have been teaching publicly, as well as provide explanations regarding scriptures we’re convinced we’ve sadly misused. And for those of you that desire to dig deep, my goal is to help you engage with other resources that I have found reliable and illuminating.
I want to paint a picture of what unimpeded mutuality can look like in the church today. I’m going to share why I believe that—like discipleship, baptism, and so many other Christian principles we’ve worked a lifetime to restore—understanding true, biblical mutuality could propel our fellowship into an even more fruitful future than we might imagine. My dream is that these teachings, and the book I’m writing, will draw us nearer to the kind of church God has always intended for us to be.
Teach on…
Thank you, Lisa. I look forward to reading your blogs and exploring this topic. As you may recall much of my walk with God has been slightly out of sync with much of the body as I’ve quietly lived my conviction. I believe you (and Steve) are definitely onto something. And I am excited as leadership wrestles to grasp hold of this new thinking. I love our bodies of church because time and again when we(leadership) see a new level in Gods message we’ve changed how we do things and how we live as a church not holding to (prideful) tradition. IMHO.
In gratitude and prayer.
Thank you so much for being so encouraging! It is very important to keep learning and growing and admitting where we’ve been wrong. Thank you for your prayers.
Lisa and Steve, thank you so much for your humility and continued learning and growing in and through God’s perfect gift to us……..his Word. I look forward to digging deeper and learning alongside you on this journey. In only saw 1 video, was that the first and only so far or are their more somewhere? Thank you very much! Your sister in Christ,
Deanna Reda
Thank you so much! I’m so glad to have you on the journey.????
There are three videos as of today. One on Genesis, “Made for Mutuality” and two on 1 Timothy 2, entitled “What About 1 Timothy 2:11-12?” Part 1 and Part 2. There should be another one posted very soon. It’s being edited now. Please keep praying. ????
Amen! Excited for this journey of digging deep for truth, putting ego aside. Thank you, Lisa!
Wonderful Looking forward Thank u
Wow, ok… I have felt some of this as I minister as a worship leader. As I have practiced Judges 6 about going in the strength you have, sometimes that has meant being the only woman or being utterly alone in a creative task. I am soo very grateful that you are sharing with us what you have learned. ♥️ Lisa, I will never forget being at the women’s day evening service in Jo’burg in 1998 with my mom and there you were speaking pouring your heart out. Remember? It was an amazing, beautiful night and you talked about Joshua and Caleb having a “different spirit.” That spirit that was within them can be within us too. “Lord, pls help us not to give up standing in the gap and or using all we have and who we are to serve the body of Christ.In Jesus Name Amen
It’s wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for sharing such precious memories! God is moving!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I’m encouraged by your studies.
Nancy Alexander
Hello Lisa .. Bless you my dear ! I look forward to following your ministry and this very interesting topic.
This is amazing! Keep sharing sis! Can’t wait to learn more and may God continue to open the eyes of our hearts thru the Holy Spirit..Thank you for your courage and faith!
At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I feel like God has heard our cries. Such refreshing news for all that hear this, not just the women who will really have the opportunity to shine but also the amazing men who will also be able to be freed to be used in ways God has designed them without the pressure of worldly traditions. I keep envisioning what this would look like in a collective body of believers and the changes to the energy of the fellowship bring me so much hope. I can’t help but wonder if God has been waiting for us to wake up to the destructive nature of human hierarchy on HIS family. Can’t wait for your 2nd lesson to be released. When will that be?
Yes, we have seen this understanding of Mutuality be so helpful in dealing with the stereotypes that the world pushes on us and Satan often uses to wear us and our faith down. When we are unleashed to each use all our gifts, God is glorified!
Thank you! Looking forward to learning more
Bless you, Lisa and Steve. After 30+ years, you continue to challenge my thinking, help me resolve my soul’s conflicts and understand Jesus more and more. I love you fiercely and am praying for us all.
I have always loved your lessons and your viewpoint of the importance of the role of women. Thank you for your courage in delving into and discussing this important issue. I appreciate this and look forward to reading much more.
Oh how I’ve longed, prayed, and waited for this day! God is faithful! I am doing my part here in San Diego. My husband and I are wholehearted believers in this concept and always have despite the backlash and trials it has caused. Amen sister, keep the faith you are your husband and doing a great thing. May God bless and keep you.
Thank you so much for your help! Please pray for us.